Enhanced Plan Review Services for Commercial Permits

senior and young architect working together on project in officeEnhanced plan review services are available to customize your plan review timeframe.

Commercial Building Permit Application Guide

Expedited/On-Site Plan Review

Expedited plan review shortens the amount of time each round of review takes to complete:

  • First round of plan review time is shortened from 20 to 10 business days.
  • Second round of plan review is completed within five business days.

On-site plan review is available only for tenant improvements in an existing structure that are considered minor in nature.

A completed application for expedited services must be received at least five business days before the plans are submitted. Expedited plan review are granted as staff and resources are available.

Deferred Plans Submittal

If you cannot submit all parts of your building design at the time of your application, you must complete a deferred submittal application. Deferred submittals allow the plan review process to begin while parts of the design such as decks, stairs, etc. are being prepared. Your building documents must clearly identify items to be deferred. All drawings for deferred items must be submitted and approved by the Building Official before being installed.

Phased Permit

A phased permit allows you to submit plans in separate pieces and begin work for one phase once it is issued and before any other phase is approved. Examples of phases include foundation, building structure (shell), tenant improvement, and fire protection systems. Each phase requires its own permit.

Approval Risks

Approval of a permit in one phase does not guarantee that a permit for the entire structure will be granted. 

Approval risks: The building official is authorized to issue a permit for the construction of foundations or any other part of a building or structure before the construction documents for the whole building or structure have been submitted, provided that adequate information and detailed statements have been filed complying with pertinent requirements of the code. The applicant of such permit for the foundation or other parts of a building or structure shall proceed with building at the applicant's own risk and without assurance that a permit for the entire structure will be granted.

Phase Fees

In addition to the normal permit fees, each phase will be charged:

  • $250.00 application fee per
  • 10% of the total building permit fee not to exceed $1,500.00 per phase.

Application Process 

Before applying for any commercial permit, be sure you have completed the Site Plan Review process as you will need to link that permit to your commercial permit. 

You should be prepared to apply for all the phases at one time, even though a separate application is required for each phase. Each phased permit will ask you how many phases exist, the phase's valuation and the project's total valuation.

When you are ready to begin the application process:

  1. You will log into the PAC Portal.
  2. For each phase, you will need to complete a commercial permit application online using the PAC Portal. 
  3. When prompted for the "Category of Construction", choose either Commercial Phased or Multifamily Phased.