Three or Four Units
Three or four units are no longer considered "multiple family development." That means they do not have to meet design standards for multifamily housing. They are considered middle housing.
Generally, three or four-unit developments must meet:
- Minimum design standards (SRC 700.081), which include facing the primary entrance toward a street, common open space, or porch, and not locating parking between a building and a street. If you cannot meet the standards, you can apply for an adjustment (SRC 250).
- The same development standards as single-family houses. For example, the maximum height for a new three- and four-family dwelling is 35 feet in residential zones.
Five to 12 Units
Developments of five to 12 units must meet limited design standards (SRC 702.015). These requirements include the following:
- Primary entrance face the street
- No parking between buildings and streets
- At least 20% of the site is common or private open space
- Pedestrian connections to sidewalks, common open spaces, and parking
- Reduced setbacks for smaller buildings
13 Units or Greater
Developments of 13 units or greater have more detailed development requirements (SRC 702.020). However, flexibility has been provided to make it easier to meet the requirements. Examples of the updated requirements are as follows:
Open Space
- At least 30% of the site must be a mix of common or private open space (SRC 702.020(a)).
- At least one common open space must be provided. Its minimum size is based on the number of units in the development.
- The square footage of an active recreation space such as a children's play area is counted twice toward the requirement.
- The requirement can be reduced by 50% if the development is within ¼ mile walking distance of a public park.
- Projects with 20 or more units must provide at least 20% of units with private open space (e.g., balcony or patio).
Setbacks and Compatibility
- Buildings next to single-family zones must be set back 1 ft for every 1 ft of building height (SRC 702.020(e)(2)), with minimums:
- 1-story building: 14 ft setback
- 2 or more-story building: 20 ft setback
- Setbacks must be landscaped and have a 6-ft tall fence or wall. A 5-ft reduction in the setback is allowed if an 8-ft tall fence is provided.
- Balconies facing properties zoned single family must have fully sight-obscuring railings (SRC 702.020(e)(3)).
Building Mass and Articulation
- Buildings cannot be more than 150 ft long.
- The vertical face of buildings 80 ft or longer must incorporate design elements such as covered entrances, offsets, or covered balconies.
- Rooflines cannot be more than 100 ft long without a 4-ft change in elevation or cross gable.
- The first story of buildings must be distinguished from upper floors through color, material, or molding.
- Common entrances can serve up to 4 units.
There is no minimum 0ff-street parking requirement for housing or any other uses in Salem.