Salem, Oregon
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Kimberli Fitzgerald
Historic Preservation Officer
Business » Land Use & Zoning » Historic Review Rules
Salem Historic Preservation Plan
Historic preservation is important for economic, environmental, cultural and educational reasons.
You can review the City's goals and actions items by goal below. You can also view the action items implementation timeline or download a PDF of the plan.
Goal 1: Improve Public Outreach and Community Education
Action | Strategy | Need | Timeline |
Continue to celebrate Historic Preservation Month in May with awards and educational programming | Improve community engagement and acknowledgement of excellence in historic preservation | Community not aware of excellent historic preservation projects | Annual |
Work with Neighborhood Associations to establish and celebrate ‘Historic Neighborhood Day’ | Improve community engagement and acknowledgement of excellence in historic preservation | Community not aware of excellent historic preservation projects | Annual |
Develop a FAQ sheet/Brochure and online resource regarding the designation process and benefits/responsibilities of owning a historic property in Salem | Educate the public about designation | Neighborhood support can be difficult to get for designation | 2020 |
Review and update HLC newsletter format and distribution method including the annual mailing about historic property owner responsibilities; Use social media to regularly share information about the program and Salem’s local history | Improve website and social media presence | Not enough easily accessible information about the review process, Salem history, and the program | Annual |
Have a single City HLC website landing page where all information and resources for historic property owners is located. | Improve website and social media presence | Not enough easily accessible information about the review process, Salem history, and the program | 2021 |
Coordinate homeowner FORUM meetings, so owners can share experiences, information | Provide technical training | Not enough easily accessible information about the review process, Salem history, and the program | Annual |
Organize history talks and walking tours featuring Salem’s history and historic resources in partnership with Travel Salem and local non-profits. Including school groups | Develop interpretation and coordinate educational programming about Salem’s diverse local history | Not enough information about local history | Annual |
Develop interpretive signage (i.e vinyl utility box wraps and sign toppers) for each historic district and Heritage Neighborhood | Develop interpretation and coordinate educational programming about Salem’s diverse local history | Not enough information about local history | 2021 |
Develop interpretation and educational programming about Salem’s traditionally underrepresented history and cultural landscapes | Develop interpretation and coordinate educational programming about Salem’s diverse local history | Not enough information about local history | Annual |
Support development of citywide Cultural Heritage Strategic Master Plan in partnership with Travel Salem and local heritage non-profits | Develop interpretation and coordinate educational programming about Salem’s diverse local history | Not enough information about local history | 2023 |
Educate neighborhoods within the Salem Heritage Neighborhood Program, which allows historic preservation staff to work with Neighborhood Associations directly to develop educational products related to their neighborhood history and teach them about the survey and designation process. | Educate the public about designation | Not enough information about the designation process/benefits/responsibilities | Annual |
Sponsor a regular workshop in collaboration with the State Historic Preservation Office (SHPO) and other Certifeid Local Governments (CLGs) to educate Salem residents abou historic survey and designation in Oregon | Educate the public about designation | Not enough information about the designation process/benefits/responsibilities | Annual |
Continue "This Place Matters" photo contest with awards | Improve community engagement and acknowledgement of excellence in historic preservation | Not enough information about the designation process/benefits/responsibilities | Annual |
Provide annual workshop for historic property owners outlining responsibilities and opportunities of owning a historic property (coordinated with annual property owner mailing) | Provide training about the design review process and code | Not enough information about the designation process/benefits/responsibilities | Annual |
Provide monthly opportunity to have “Lunch with the Historic Preservation Officer” to ask questions about the design review process and the code | Provide training about the design review process and code | Not enough information about the designation process/benefits/responsibilities | Annual |
Develop a “Welcome” Packet to provide to new historic property owners with brochures and information about owning a historic property. | Provide training about the design review process and code | People need assistance understanding the historic design review process and the code | 2021 |
Digitally share NPS Technical Briefs for homeowners regarding appropriate historic preservation methods and treatment; Develop online video series (‘How To’) for historic homeowners | Provide technical training | People need technical preservation help | 2020 |
Collaborate with other organizations (SHPO, UofO, Restore Oregon, local community colleges) to sponsor regular annual workshops - seismic, lead, window/door replacements, radon. | Provide technical training | People need technical preservation help | Annual |
Goal 2: Streamline Historic Code, Process, and Enforcement
Action | Strategy | Need | Timeline |
Establish policies and procedures for adversely impacting a known archaeological site in Salem | Improve enforcement policy | Enforcement is inconsistent | 2020 |
Coordinate regularly with Neighborhood Associations (ie. CANDO, NEN and SCAN) to review and update existing historic enforcement policy and implementation | Improve enforcement policy | Enforcement is inconsistent | Annual |
Establish policy for charging double fees for historic design review of enforcement cases | Improve enforcement policy | Enforcement is inconsistent | 2026 |
Monthly HLC meeting, public hearings and roundtable | Improve criteria and streamline design review process | HLC is responsible for reviewing alterations to designated historic resources and applying criteria established in SRC 230; in certain cases sometimes this process is complex | Annual |
Develop easy to understand Brochure/FAQ with a flowchart describing the historic design review process and general overview of the historic code; Develop online FAQ and online consultation form where historic property owners can request information about the review process and the program | Provide training about the design review process and code | People need assistance understanding the historic design review process and the code | 2020 |
Improve and clarify design review criteria for accessibility (ie. Aging in place) | Improve and clarify criteria to address key issues identified as priorities in the overall Comprehensive Plan | Relationship between use and historic unclear; Need to align Historic Design Review with Comprehensive Plan priorities such as Climate Change and Affordable Housing | 2020 |
Improve and clarify design review criteria for accessory dwelling units and infill housing development (ie. In coordination with HB2001/2003 and Salem’s Middle Housing) | Improve and clarify criteria to address key issues identified as priorities in the overall Comprehensive Plan | Relationship between use and historic unclear; Need to align Historic Design Review with Comprehensive Plan priorities such as Climate Change and Affordable Housing | 2023 |
Improve and clarify design review criteria for adaptive reuse | Improve criteria and streamline design review process | Relationship between use and historic unclear; Need to align Historic Design Review with Comprehensive Plan priorities such as Climate Change and Affordable Housing | 2020 |
Clarify criteria for work that is exempt from historic design review (i.e ordinary maintenance and repair and work approvable through building permit review) | Improve criteria and streamline design review process | Time for design review is long and expensive for some simple projects | 2020 |
Develop criteria, process and lower fee for “over-the-counter” (Class one) administrative historic design reviews | Improve criteria and streamline design review process | Time for design review is long and expensive for some simple projects | 2020 |
Review historic code and identify areas for cleanup - streamlining | Improve criteria and streamline design review process | Time for design review is long and expensive for some simple projects | 2025 |
Clarify and improve criteria in SRC 230.100 Preservation of Archaeological Resources including development of policies and procedures for ground disturbing activity within Salem’s Historic and Cultural Resource Protection Zone. | Improve criteria and streamline design review process | Time for design review is long and expensive for some simple projects | 2026 |
Goal 3: Increase Financial Support
Action | Strategy | Need | Timeline |
Allow consolidation of design review applications (i.e one fee for multiple projects on a single property) | Establish Historic Design Review Fee Program that supports historic property owners | Design review fees too burdensome for residential historic property owners | 2020 |
Limit any increase in historic design review fees for residential historic property owners (ie. Limit goal of cost recovery for staff time) | Establish Historic Design Review Fee Program that supports historic property owners | Design review fees too burdensome for residential historic property owners | 2022 |
Offer a streamline process where value of project is under $1,000 and the fee a small amount (ie. $25.00) | Establish Historic Design Review Fee Program that supports historic property owners | Design review fees too burdensome for residential historic property owners | 2025 |
Develop and offer a program for homeowners to apply for a Residential Historic Design Review Fee Voucher (funded by double fees collected through enforcement) | Establish Historic Design Review Fee Program that supports historic property owners | People need financial support and assistance maintaining and restoring their historic structures which provide a public benefit to our community | Annual |
Offer Annual Residential Toolbox Grant | Improve financial support for historic property owners | People need financial support and assistance maintaining and restoring their historic structures which provide a public benefit to our community | Annual |
Identify sustainable City funding source in order to expand historic Residential Toolbox Grant Program (ie. Explore feasibility of permanent allocation from Council through TOT funding) | Improve financial support for historic property owners | People need financial support and assistance maintaining and restoring their historic structures which provide a public benefit to our community | Annual |
Identify additional non-profit community sources in order to expand historic Residential Toolbox Grant Program. | Improve financial support for historic property owners | People need financial support and assistance maintaining and restoring their historic structures which provide a public benefit to our community | Annual |
Identify additional private donor sources in order to expand historic Residential Toolbox Grant Program. | Improve financial support for historic property owners | People need financial support and assistance maintaining and restoring their historic structures which provide a public benefit to our community | Annual |
Goal 4: Protect Natural Environment and Archaeological Resources
Action | Strategy | Need | Timeline |
Celebrate Historic Landscape Architecture month annually in April | Encourage preservation of the natural environment | Community not aware of excellent examples of historic and cultural landscapes in Salem | Annual |
Develop and offer a “Beautification Award” acknowledging maintenance/restoration of a historic or cultural landscape | Encourage preservation of the natural environment | Community not aware of excellent examples of historic and cultural landscapes in Salem | Annual |
Collaborate with Parks (Salem’s Public Works Department) and the Salem Parks Advisory Board (SPRAB) on the development of Cultural Resource Management Plans for the identification and preservation of historic, character defining natural features and landscapes. | Encourage preservation of the natural environment | Not enough coordination with Parks regarding identification and preservation of historic, character-defining, natural features and landscapes | 2020 |
Coordinate with Parks (Salem’s Public Works Department) to review/revise any applicable design review code and criteria related to the alteration of significant landscapes and the removal/replacement of significant trees within historic districts and on individually listed historic properties. | Encourage preservation of the natural environment | Not enough coordination with Parks regarding identification and preservation of historic, character-defining, natural features and landscapes | 2020 |
Collaborate with Parks (Salem’s Public Works Department) to develop a clear FAQ and educational brochure about the review process for removal of trees in Salem’s historic districts and individually listed historic properties | Encourage preservation of the natural environment | Not enough coordination with Parks regarding identification and preservation of historic, character-defining, natural features and landscapes | 2020 |
Identify opportunities to collaborate with Parks within Salem’s Public Works Department on educational programming to educate the public about Salem’s historic cultural landscapes | Encourage preservation of the natural environment | Not enough coordination with Parks regarding identification and preservation of historic, character-defining, natural features and landscapes | Annual |
Adopt Historic and Cultural Resource Protection Zone Map and associated administrative policies and procedures | Encourage preservation of historic and cultural archaeological resources | Project managers, planners and property owners need help with archaeological compliance and coordination with SHPO and the Tribes regarding the preservation of historic and cultural archaeological resources while redeveloping their property | 2020 |
Support development of MOU with Confederated Tribes of Siletz and Confederated Tribes of Warm Springs similar to MOU with Confederated Tribes of Grand Ronde | Encourage preservation of historic and cultural archaeological resources | Project managers, planners and property owners need help with archaeological compliance and coordination with SHPO and the Tribes regarding the preservation of historic and cultural archaeological resources while redeveloping their property | 2021 |
Monthly historic and cultural resource compliance coordination meetings with the Tribes and SHPO | Encourage preservation of historic and cultural archaeological resources | Property owners need help with archaeological compliance and coordination with SHPO and the Tribes regarding the preservation of historic and cultural archaeological resources | Annual |
Goal 5: Encourage Sustainability
Action | Strategy | Need | Timeline |
Develop and improve historic design review criteria addressing key ‘hot topics’ defined by the community including: energy efficiency, solar and light pollution | Encourage sustainability in the restoration and redevelopment of historic structures | Lack of support and education regarding sustainable practices that support the environment | 2020 |
Develop historic design review criteria requiring submittal of a deconstruction plan be submitted as part of any demolition application | Encourage sustainability in the restoration and redevelopment of historic structures | Lack of support and education regarding sustainable practices that support the environment | 2020 |
Establish and offer Historic Preservation Green Fund Grant to offer grants for window restoration, energy efficiency improvements and solar panel installation | Encourage sustainability in the restoration and redevelopment of historic structures | Lack of support and education regarding sustainable practices that support the environment | Annual |
Offer annual speakers series to educate the public about sustainable practices in historic preservation.. Collaborate with regional partners (ie. National Trust Preservation Green Lab in Seattle, WA) on the development of educational programming | Encourage sustainability in the restoration and redevelopment of historic structures | Lack of support and education regarding sustainable practices that support the environment | Annual |
Goal 6: Survey and Designate Historic Resources
Action | Strategy | Need | Timeline |
Spotlight key surveyed resources or buildings featured within Salem Heritage Neighborhood Architectural Guide through HLC social media and newsletter | Work with neighborhoods to identify, survey and designate archaeological sites, historic structures, places and landscapes that are meaningful | Neighborhood support can be difficult to get for designation | Annual |
Coordinate with the Oregon Historic Preservation Office and Tribes and other interested stakeholders to survey and develop Cultural Resource Management Plans for areas in Salem with a high concentration of archeological sites and/or significant cultural landscapes | Work with neighborhoods to identify, survey and designate archaeological sites, historic structures, places and landscapes that are meaningful | Neighborhood support can be difficult to get for designation | 2023-2025 |
Utilize an online interactive map to ask the public to identify areas to survey and/or designate in preparation for Historic Preservation Plan update in 2030 | Work with neighborhoods to identify, survey and designate archaeological sites, historic structures, places and landscapes that are meaningful | Neighborhood support can be difficult to get for designation | 2029 |