Biogro Program

wastewater treatment solids handlingOur biosolids program, known as Biogro, began in 1975. Biogro oversees the beneficial reuse of our wastewater biosolids, including contracts associated with digester cleaning, transport and application services.

Biogro's manager is responsible for:

  • The program budget
  • Beneficial reuse site authorizations
  • Communication with clients
  • Application strategies
  • Future direction
  • Active participation within the biosolids community
  • All state and federal reporting and documentation requirements


Our Biogro Program will provide an environmentally sound, publicly acceptable, cost-effective biosolids reuse program, while protecting public health, watersheds, and agricultural lands, in compliance with all federal, state, and local biosolids regulations and management practices.

Biogro Products

tanker trucks getting washedWillow Lake Water Pollution Control Facility produces liquid and dewatered Class B biosolids products. Biosolids are stabilized to meet pathogen reduction and volatile solids reduction requirements in the 40 Code of Federal Regulations (CFR) 503 Regulations under 503.32(b)(3) and 503.33(b)(1).

2020 Biosolids Production and Application Statistics

In 2020, we generated 3,528.41 dry tons of biosolids. The Biogro Program managed 24 biosolids applications on 2d DEQ authorized sites totaling 1,060 acres.

The sites consisted of the following:

  • Hay
  • Grass seed
  • Wheat production

Summarized Annual Biosolids Reports

Additional Resources

biogro logoNorthwest Biosolids Management Association
Northwest Biosolids is advancing environmental sustainability through the beneficial use of biosolids.

Oregon Association of Cleanwater Agencies
The Oregon Association of Clean Water Agencies (ACWA) is a private, not-for-profit organization that serves Oregon wastewater treatment and stormwater management agencies.

State of Oregon - Biosolids Program
The Department of Environmental Quality implements a statewide program that encourages the beneficial use of biosolids in a manner to protect public health and maintain or improve environmental quality.