Salem Police Transparency Portal

Welcome to the Salem Police Department Transparency Portal. This page is one of several initiatives to increase trust and legitimacy with the community we serve. By openly sharing data, policies, reports, and other information that directly impacts the public, we strive to engage residents in knowledge-sharing, while demonstrating openness and accountability.

The transparency portal is an in-progress project, and as such, will have more information added as the platform develops. Please check back.


Agency Accreditation

Law enforcement accreditation is an independent assessment which helps ensure an agency follows proven practices in the career field, evidence-based operational procedures, and training recommendations consistent with state standards. Read more about Salem Police Department's accreditation status and history.


Annual Reports & Independent Assessments

A variety of department assessments and reports are available for public view.


Body-worn Camera Program

Body-worn cameras are an effective law enforcement tool which can encourage mutual accountability and serve to enhance the understanding of interactions between officers and the public.

Learn more about the Salem Police Department's utilization of the devices.


Budget for the Salem Police Department

Budget transparency enables residents to review the overall plan to manage financial resources for the coming fiscal year. The Salem Police Department's budget is part of the City of Salem's General Fund which comprises all services that provide a citywide benefit.


Communications & Media Releases

Transparency in our communications is as important as the openness of the police department's actions and decisions written into policies and procedures.

Explore more through the Salem Police Communications Office.


Community Violence Reduction Initiative

In response to an increase in gun violence in the community, the Salem Police Department is partnering with community stakeholders and law enforcement partners to create a community-centric solution to this pressing concern.

Learn more about the initial steps taken and the future of this public safety initiative.


Crime Data and Calls for Service

Reported crime data is one tool to help the public and police understand the types of criminal activity reported throughout the city. Take a moment to review current statistics and calls for service data via the user-friendly Community Crime Map or our crime trend reports, such as the 15-Year Crime Trends.


Policies & Procedures

The Salem Police Department is currently conducting an independent evaluation of all its policies and procedures. The extensive review process will ensure department policies reflect current and best law enforcement standards and practices, as well as meet state and federal laws and regulations. 


Strategic Plan

The Salem Police Department Strategic Plan is a three-year framework which represents our commitment to improve the way we serve our community. The goals, strategies, and objectives provide focus for the department, ensuring the best use of our limited resources toward measurable progress.


Trust-building with the Community

Learn about our principled policing work to create a new, deeper connection with residents which emphasizes relationships, collaboration, and trust-building.