Report Graffiti

The Salem Police Graffiti Abatement Team responds to reports of graffiti on public and private properties. Use the following information to file a report. If you spot graffiti in a City of Salem park, please scroll down to that section for reporting information.

Submit a report

You can report graffiti to the Salem Police Department Graffiti Abatement Team using one of the following methods:

  • Call 503-371-4264 and leave your name, telephone number, location of the graffiti, and a brief description.
  • Email and include your name, telephone number, location of the graffiti, and a description of the graffiti. Attach a photo (if available).

The reporting process

Once the Graffiti Abatement Team receives your report, they will try to contact the property owner. They will advise them of the graffiti, provide resources for graffiti removal products, and give tips and tricks for removal. The team will take photos if needed and complete a police report to finalize the process.

Hate speech graffiti

Graffiti which contains words and phrases involving hate speech, such as racial slurs, must be reported to the Salem Police non-emergency line so that an officer can investigate the incident. Call 503-588-6123 and select option 1 to speak with a call taker.

Graffiti at a City park

If you observe graffiti at a City of Salem park space (benches, play equipment, fencing, etc.), please report it to the Public Works Department dispatch center at 503-588-6311. You can also contact Parks Operations staff via email at and attach any images.

Additional resources

Graffiti at a City park

If you observe graffiti at a City of Salem park space (benches, play equipment, fencing, etc.), please report it to the Public Works Department dispatch center at 503-588-6311. You can also contact Parks Operations staff via email at and attach any images.