City Manager’s Office

The City Manager directs the day to day administration of the City through Department Directors, and directs the work of staff in the City Manager’s Office (CMO). This office helps to organize, coordinate, and manage City government operations based on City Council direction, state and federal law, and City ordinance.

City Manager Organizational Structure Chart

Divisions and Functions

The City Manager’s office provides a wide variety of services that benefit this organization and the residents of Salem.

Support of the Mayor and City Council

Staff works with the Mayor to help accomplish projects and goals as well as provides administrative and scheduling support for the Mayor and City Council.

Boards and Commissions
Boards and Commissions are groups established by Council to advise them in specific subject areas. The City Manager's Office provides staff support to all 18 Boards and Commissions and coordinates meetings for the Boards and Commissions Appointments Committee. City Manager’s Office staff liaisons provide assistance and information specific to the Human Rights Commission, Public Art Commission, Mayor’s International Council, Community Police Review Board, and Citizen Budget Committee. Liaisons also support three Council subcommittees: the Legislative Committee, the Finance Committee, and the Boards and Commissions Appointments Committee.

Legislative Matters
Prior to the start of each legislative session, City Council adopts guiding policy statements to guide City response to and position on legislative matters. The Legislative Committee may also provide recommendations to Council on support for or opposition to specific measures as they arise during the legislative session.

Budget and Finance

The Budget and Finance division manages the  daily financial operation of the City, including accounting for and reporting on all financial transactions, purchasing activity, preparing annual five-year forecasts and the City budget, and monitoring the overall financial status of the City.

Citywide Initiatives

The City Manager’s Office oversees projects with a citywide impact, such as the Strategic Planning effort that is currently underway.


Implementation of citywide communication planning and strategy is coordinated through the City Manager’s Office. Response to press inquiries and emergency communications are managed by this office. To further community engagement, the CMO supports a more robust presence on social media.

Neighborhood Associations

Salem’s neighborhood associations give you a voice in your local neighborhood and the city as a whole. Although Salem neighborhood associations are recognized by and receive staff support from the City, they are self-directed.

Franchise Agreements

Utility companies, such as electric, gas, telecommunications, and cable television providers, use the public rights-of-way, such as streets and sidewalks, to deliver services to customers within the City. The CMO manages franchise agreements, which state the terms and conditions to use the rights-of-way and detail fees paid by utility companies for that use.

Human Rights and Relations

The City Manager's Office responds to concerns and complaints of possible violations of human rights. This office supports the Human Rights and Relations Advisory Commission, which works to bring people together and develop diverse, community-wide networks to discuss and work through issues of discrimination, prejudice, and human rights. The CMO also ensures compliance with federal regulations pertaining to equity, inclusion, and access (e.g., Title II of the Americans with Disabilities Act and Title VI of the Civil Rights Act, 1964).

Youth Leadership Development

Creating positive experiences, relationships, and environments for Salem’s youth through a variety of community programs.