Mill Creek Urban Renewal Area

The 650 acre Mill Creek Industrial Park Urban Renewal Area (URA) was formed to support development of the Mill Creek Corporate Center in Southeast Salem. The URA provides funding for major infrastructure (roads, utilities, traffic signals) needed to attract large industrial uses and family wage jobs to the site.

Assessed values and key projects were determined when the urban renewal district was first established. Project plans are subject to change at the direction of the Urban Renewal Agency.


  • Assessed value at creation: $1,012,524
  • 2023 assessed value: $244,950,547
  • Maximum indebtedness: $26,000,000
  • Completed projects: Public water, sewer, street improvements, utility construction, established mitigated wetlands.

Plan Documents


Enterprise Zone Tax Incentive
To encourage the creation of new industrial and manufacturing jobs for the community.

Additional Information

Mill Creek Corporate Center
Information on development-ready sites within Mill Creek URA


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