Salem, Oregon
Home MenuYour Guide to Planning for Our Future
We adopted OUR SALEM – an update to the City’s Comprehensive Plan – in 2022.
Our Salem set the policy framework for future growth and development by updating the Salem Area Comprehensive Plan, Comprehensive Plan Map, zoning map, and zoning code and guides how we want to grow and develop over the next 20+ years.
Now, we're focusing on detailed planning for:
- Healthy streams
- Improved climate resilience and reduced emissions
- Green space for everyone
- Walking, biking, roadways, street designs, and future investments
- More housing choices and walkable centers
- Traffic calming
Equity is central to all we do. Why is equity important?
- Equity means all residents have the opportunity to participate and thrive in an inclusive society. This requires rectifying unequal access to resources and opportunities caused by historic and current systems of oppression and exclusion related to race, income, ability, gender, sexual identity, and other factors.
- An equitable community overcomes disparities by providing increased levels of support to community members based on their needs. In Salem, it is a priority to advance equity in decision-making processes and the outcomes of those processes, including policies, investments, practices, and procedures.