Title VI Plan

group of business people meeting in an officeThe City of Salem has adopted a Title VI Plan to ensure that the City is in compliance with the provisions of Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964. Title VI prohibits discrimination on the basis of race, color or national origin in programs or activities receiving federal financial assistance. Presidential Executive Order 12898 addresses environmental justice in minority and low-income populations. Presidential Executive Order 13166 addresses services to those individuals with limited English proficiency. Discrimination on the basis of gender, age, and disability is prohibited under related statutes. These Presidential Executive Orders and the related statutes fall under the umbrella of Title VI.

Federal-aid recipients, subrecipients and contractors are required to prevent discrimination and ensure nondiscrimination in all of their programs, activities and services whether these programs, activities and services are federally funded or not. The City of Salem Title VI/Section 504 Coordinator is responsible for providing leadership, direction and policy to ensure compliance with Title VI and environmental justice principles.

If you have experienced discrimination or harassment or have a human rights concern, you can file a discrimination complaint with the City.

See below to view specific sections of the City’s Title VI Plan or download the entire plan along with the documents and resolution created for the City Council.

Non-Discrimination Policy
Title VI Plan Organization and Staffing
Title VI Program Components
Complaint Process